4 Lessons GOD Taught Me Through My Dogs

I was never a dog lover. Before I met our Beagle, I cared very little about dogs. In 2022, a couple-friend asked me and my husband if we would be interested in adopting one of their puppies, and although my husband and I had a challenging discussion about the matter back then, we decided to go for it. In an instant, the puppy stole my heart. We named him Chance. 

Chance is not our first dog. We’ve had 5 other dogs in the past (mostly due to my husband’s request), and all 5 were unsuccessful. Our first three dogs were Aspins, and we left them at our old house when we moved to our current home. (I know we were so cruel, I am ashamed that we’ve done such a thing!) The fourth dog was a Labrador Shepherd, who died months after we first got him (he got so sick), and the fifth dog was a Shih Tzu Maltese mix who escaped from his leash (maybe because we put him on a leash the whole time and he wasn’t happy about it). 

So when we decided to take Chance in, I made the conscious commitment to really take good care of him and raise him properly.  

The first few days were indeed very challenging for us, but it was mostly challenging for me mainly because I’m the only one who would be looking after him for most of the day since I stay at home while my husband works and my son is at school. I mostly did not know what to do. I did not have a clue on how to train him. The chewing, the pee, and the poop drove me crazy even though I found him cute. 

One time, I cried out to GOD and asked for HIS help because I did not know how to handle having a puppy in our home. As I prayed, I sensed GOD telling me that Chance was a gift to me, and HE assured me that HE would help me train him. 

As days passed, I learned these precious lessons as a pawrent: 

Lesson #1: OBEDIENCE

GOD showed me HIS perspective as MASTER. That as MASTER, HE desires HIS children to OBEY HIM out of love instead of fear. 

GOD wanted me to train Chance with love. HE encouraged me to get Chance to obey my commands out of his love for me as his owner, instead of obeying me because he was scared of me. 1 Corinthians 13:4 says that “Love is patient and kind.” And so I learned to be patient towards Chance and showered him with kindness and affection. 

Obedience is very important to GOD. In my walk with HIM so far, I’ve learned that my obedience to HIS commands is the best way I can show HIM how much I love HIM. HE is mostly pleased by a person who follows and obeys HIS will. (But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.” -1 Samuel‬ ‭15‬:‭22‬)

It blew my mind when I realized that one of the ways HE chose to teach me about “obedience” is through my relationship with my dogs! 


Another thing that GOD taught me through my dogs is the virtue of selflessness. As a dog owner, I learned to put others first before my needs. I mean, it’s one thing to put other humans first, but putting an animal first before myself is a different level of selflessness. Like, in the mornings when I wake up, the first thing I do is take them out to do their business before anything else as I understand that they depend on me to take them outside since they are not allowed to do their business inside the house. Or, whenever I have to pop out of the house, I take them out before I leave to empty their bladders as I may take hours before coming back home. 


Pawrenting is a commitment. A good pawrent doesn’t just take a dog one day and then abandon it when things get rough. Yes, on some days, owning a dog can be difficult; but on most days, it’s about an unmatched level of happiness and crazy fun!

Lesson #4: LOYALTY

My Chance knows when I cry out of deep gratitude, and he knows it when I cry out of deep hurt. Most days, I cry during my conversations with GOD because of how thankful and blessed I am to have HIM; while some days, I cry out of deep pain brought by life’s trials. Whenever I weep out of hurt, Chance the Beagle comes to me and looks at me with his concerned, droopy eyes. I will always be amazed by a dog’s ability to love and be loyal to his human.

Several months ago, my family and I decided to adopt another dog, an American Bully whom we named Fudge. He's goofy and likes to snuggle a lot.

To this day, I’m so grateful to GOD that HE blessed us with two sweet dogs who fill our days and hearts with joy and good chaos. I wouldn't trade them for anything else. 🙂

P.S. Follow Chance @chanceyyychance and Fudge @itsfudgethebully on Instagram!